Patient’s nightmare after operation at EL hospital – man lay in faeces, infested with flies

Hospitaal se hele bestuurspan in die pad gesteek in Limpopo – ‘n Mens kan hier doodgaan terwyl jy wag dat ’n dokter of verpleegster jou spreek

‘Horrifying Cruelty By The ANC – South Africans endure pain, suffering and neglect at Robert Sobukwe Hospital

Nurses allegedly ‘ignored’ pleas for help as mom cradled dead infant after suffering a miscarriage, while nurses pay no attention to her and ate their cereal at Groote Schuur Hospital

Public hospitals in South Africa have become a death-trap for the poor

Disabled persons left to fend for themselves due to strike at San Michele’s home for psychiatric and disabled patients

New study at Stellenbosch University will look at synthetic blood products for the resuscitation of trauma victims

Staatshospitaal in Koster, Noordwes in wanorde; skoonmaker voer pasiënte

Fake doctor rapes teen mom at an Eastern Cape hospital just hours after giving birth

Pasiënt kla oor haglike toestande by F.H. Odendaal-hospitaal in Modimolle